Our 2a21 Program offers Free CPL certification for individuals age 21 and those turning 21. This unique program aims to curb the school to prison pipeline. Many young people are being charged with CCW as their only charge, meaning their only actual crime was not having a license to carry their legal firearm, and in turn are now caught up in the judicial system which we know further perpetuates breaking the law.
The Village Lansing and The Advocates have teamed up to educate young adults using the proven tactics of education versus abstinence. When young people are educated on the privilege of their second amendment rights, firearms safety, responsible gun ownership and behavior, conflict resolution, and conflict avoidance, the likelihood that they will use them inappropriately greatly diminishes.
It has been found that concealed carry permit holders are among the most law-abiding group of citizens in the United States. According to a study done by the Crime Prevention Research Center, concealed carry permit holders are the most law-abiding group of citizens in the country. Data shows that the 18 million American concealed carry permit holders accounted for 0.7% of all firearm-related homicides in a 15 year period. People with concealed carry licenses are:
Requirements for the 2a21 Program:
The Village Lansing