Our 4th City-Wide Open House is coming soon! This year, we will be on the Capitol Lawn on June 4th, 2023 following each of the Lansing School District Graduation ceremonies. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, The Village Lansing has put on a huge open house to celebrate ALL graduates of Lansing on their tremendous accomplishment! This day is filled with food, prizes, games, Live DJ, tents with community partners and more 😊 All graduates and their families are welcome, check our Facebook page for more updates.
We are looking for partners and sponsors for this event! Donations may include any food/drinks, prizes, paper/plasticware for serving, games, etc. If you are interested in giving a donation, please contact us via email at thevillagelansing@gmail.com
All sponsors will be recognized on flyers, social media, and throughout the day on event day.
Our 4th City-Wide Open House is coming soon! This year, we will be on the Capitol Lawn on June 4th, 2023 following each of the Lansing School District Graduation ceremonies. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, The Village Lansing has put on a huge open house to celebrate ALL graduates of Lansing on their tremendous accomplishment! This day is filled with food, prizes, games, Live DJ, tents with community partners and more 😊 All graduates and their families are welcome, check our Facebook page for more updates.
We are looking for partners and sponsors for this event! Donations may include any food/drinks, prizes, paper/plasticware for serving, games, etc. If you are interested in giving a donation, please contact us via email at thevillagelansing@gmail.com
All sponsors will be recognized on flyers, social media, and throughout the day on event day.
We choose our workshops with intent to best serve the needs of our students. Some workshops build on life skills that will last into adulthood, fun workshops that allow them to boost their creativity, and all skills in between. Coming soon, we are putting on Financial Literacy with MSUFCU, Know Your Rights with Brian T. Jackson, and 2A Teens with our co-founder Mike Lynn. As events come up, we will post them to our Facebook and website, so be sure to check for registration links!
Our calendar is updated regularly, so be sure to check for upcoming events and program! You can also keep an eye on our Facebook, or email us at www.thevillagelansing.org with any questions
In partnership with Casa de Rosado Galeria and Cultural Center, students will be provided a sugar skull mold to decorate and take home, while also learning more about what the holiday is and why it is celebrated.
In partnership with LAFCU and Two Men & A Truck we want to help ease the financial burden for parents and teachers and to give back to the communities we serve by providing students with the supplies they need to have a successful school year.
On Hallow-eve we welcomed students for a community lock-in which included a live DJ, food, games, and lots of prizes!
Each year in partnership with Operation Santa, our village pools together to provide selected families with presents to make the Christmas season a little more special! Over the years we have provided countless toys, shoes, clothing, and more!
Know your rights during police encounters. Learn what to do and what not to do when interacting with police. This is an interactive presentation that will leave the listener with easy to remember information that should be used during every police encounter.
This training covers civilian-police interactions, and provides practical advice for getting through a police encounter safely and calmly, with your rights fully intact. This training will be facilitated by Brian T. Jackson; public defender and 4th Ward City of Lansing Council Member. It is an hour and a half in length with time after for discussion.
This workshop will be held at The Village Lansing located at 3525 S. MLK Blvd. Suite G, Lansing, MI 48910. We are near the intersection of Holmes and MLK in the Kroger plaza facing MLK.
This event is over, please look out for our next one! In the meantime, check out the recording of the workshop:
Thanks to our wonderful Lansing community, our supporters, and our volunteers; we were able to host our 1st Annual Open House Celebration to celebrate the hard work of our Lansing School District class of 2020 right on our Michigan State Capitol lawn. We also put together an Open House Fund to disperse between the graduates that attended our Open House as a present from The Village Lansing and the Lansing Community with an ending grand total of $9,930!! This amounted to $150/graduate that attended and checked in with us. GRADUATES THAT ATTENDED/CHECKED IN please see our Facebook event for the pickup info. You may also message us if you're unable to attend to make other arrangements.
We held our open house the day that the Lansing School District held their drive up diploma ceremonies to make it easier for the grads to come either before or after. We welcomed 66 total graduates from Everett, Sexton, and Eastern along with their families and friends to enjoy food, fellowship, music, and of course memories, to simply celebrate them and their amazing accomplishment of graduating high school.
We also held a Youth March for Justice and hosted a sign making table to give our young ones the opportunity to be involved in making their voices heard.
This event was made possible almost completely through in kind donations and sponsors, which made it possible for the monetary donations to go right to the kids. THANK YOU to all that donated food, supplies, time, and of course money. You are all The Village!
The Village Lansing