Your support is crucial to our violence prevention, intervention, and support services.
Your generosity is vital to operating our resource center, funding the food/necessities/holiday outreach that we do, and supporting our programs focused on Life Skills, Education, and Art.
Thank You.
Check Payable to: The Village Lansing
Mail To: 3525 S. MLK Blvd. Suite G
MSU FCU Member to Member Transfer:
CashApp: $TheVillageLansing
Venmo: @TheVillageLansing
There is an array of items that are always needed. We make it easy by having 2 drop off sites as well as the ability to pick donations up! Any monetary donations will be used to purchase needed items.
Please contact us to make a drop-off appointment.
You don't even have to have a lot of it! We accept all levels of commitment. Help out with one of our outreach events, attend a fellowship activity, pick up donations for us, make some phone calls, find some information, share our page and events, there are so many ways to donate your time!
There are so many things that can be valuable for our youth and our city; your knowledge, skills, network, ideas, just reach out to us! We appreciate all forms of donations, you'd be surprised what can be useful.
New underwear, socks, undershirts, camis and bras for girls (must be unopened in package) in teen/young adult sizes.
Adult hats, gloves, winter boots, and socks are ALWAYS needed during the cold months to support our houseless community.
Deodorant, lotion, hair products for girls and boys, body sprays, cologne, toothbrushes/toothpaste, floss, makeup, brushes/combs, scarves/durags, contact solution, chapstick, soap, shampoo, conditioner, razors, etc.
Full or travel size.
Backpacks, notebooks, pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, crayons, binders, folders, paper, boxes of tissues, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer.
Please contact us if you'd like to drop off any items to donate.
Sign up to hear about what we're dong in the community and what's coming up.
The Village Lansing