The Village Youth Academy is a two-week program geared toward mentoring middle and high schoolers in the Lansing Area. Through crafted lesson plans, participants will build relationships with their peers, gain relevant life skills, and unlock their full potential as young People.
Focuses will include: budget basics, how to open a youth checking account, firearms safety, conflict resolution, communication skills, basic computer skills, the importance of community outreach, how to handle an encounter with law enforcement, and the importance of mindfulness practice.
The Village Youth Academy will create a safe space for students to explore and an environment to grow.
And of course have FUN
Youth will complete a CPR course that includes hands-on training with an instructor and adheres to ILCOR (International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation) standards. Youth will receive a completion certificate.
This Workshop will educate your teenager on the safe handling of firearms, what to do if they encounter one, the 3 basic firearm safety rules, and why they are important.
We also teach conflict resolution and getting to know your conflict style.
MSU Federal Credit Union will give youth oriented Financial Education lessons on budgeting and the importance of credit.
Youth will also engage activities that tie in what they've learned to real life situations.
Uncontrolled bleeding is the No. 1 cause of preventable death from trauma, and it can happen in a car crash or even a household accident. Participants will go through skills training with an instructor in a short course that even young children can participate in.
Facilitated by Brian T. Jackson; public defender and Lansing 4th Ward Council Member. This training covers civilian-police interactions, and provides practical advice for getting through a police encounter safely and calmly, with your rights fully intact.
This is an interactive presentation that will leave the listener with easy to remember information that should be used during every police encounter.
Children who are able to stand up and speak with confidence, poise and skill, will find that it not only helps them in school, but also empowers them in many situations that they encounter throughout life.
Learning effective communication skills helps young people navigate their increasingly complex world and to prepare for the roles they will assume as young adults.
Art, games, books, snacks, music, chess, video games, fellowship, and so much more.
Please look out for our next Academy Signups!
If you are interested in supporting this program please contact us! There are many different ways: light lunches, snacks, prized, gift cards, etc.
Youth centered information on the basics of budgeting and the importance of credit.
Michael Lynn Jr. of The Advocates Firearms Academy and The Village Lansing teaches a course on gun safety and conflict resolution.
Sponsoring our lunch for our end of program celebration.
Presentation by local public defender Brian T. Jackson on how to handle a police interaction.
The Village Lansing